淘歌音乐 买歌词 歌词出售《绝恋》




I blushed when I first saw you
Love grows wildly in my heart
Filled my whole heart
My eyes shine
I know it's the dawn of love
I want to tell you a thousand words
All the compliments fit you so well
But when it comes to the mouth, it stops
I'm afraid you say I'm frivolous
I froze in the same place and went crazy
You seem to feel something and look into the distance
Our eyes meet
Trigger the fire of love
You stand quietly in the distance, the corners of your mouth rise
I smile like a fool and look at you
Love always makes people desperate
I'm running to you
Every step is the dawn of victory
Close to you, I stopped
Because love always grows together
One can only look at each other across the sea
I look forward to your figure
My heart is filled with longing
When you take steps
Smile from my mouth
I know love has sprouted
Let's take care of it
Until we get to the wedding hall
Let me put on your wedding dress and shine everywhere
My bride is the envy of others
My life is shining because of you.

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